
JAKARTA - The UI student family legal team M Hasya Athallah, a traffic accident victim who was hit by a retired police officer, finally came to the Indonesian Ombudsman's Office on Jalan HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 31, afternoon.

Hasya's team of attorneys came to the Ombudsman to report the case of Hasya's accident which was deemed not to have legal justice.

"We brought the report file for the Ombudsman today," Hasya's family attorney Gita Paulina told VOI, Tuesday, January 31.

Hasya's legal team, who is a member of ILUNI UI, also brought a number of other documents to be reported to the Indonesian Ombudsman.

"In addition to reports, there are also SP2HP, SP3 and SP2HP evidence files for investigations and investigations," he said.

The legal team was also accompanied by Hasya's parents when they arrived at the Indonesian Ombudsman's Office. Currently, they are still in the Ombudsman's Office for examination of report files.

Previously, Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra was named a suspect in an accident case involving himself and a retired police officer with the initials ESB. The accident of killing a FISIP UI student occurred in Jagakarsa on Thursday, October 6, 2022.

But in reality, Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra was instead named a suspect because he was considered negligent in driving, causing him to die.

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