
The emergence of two different chronology versions of the Police and their families for the death of a FISIP UI student named Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra due to a traffic accident in the Srengseng Sawah area, South Jakarta on Thursday, October 6, 2022, still leaves a puzzle.

Hasya's family version of the chronology, was mentioned on the night of the incident Hasya was about to go to the boarding house of one of her friends. On the way, suddenly a motorbike in front of him drove slowly. Reflectively, Hasya dodged and then braked suddenly so that Hasya's motorbike fell to the right.

Not long after falling, from the opposite direction, an SUV (Pajero) driven by retired National Police Eko Setiabudi passed by, and ran over Hasya.

Not long after the incident, one of the people who was at the crime scene (TKP) came to the Pajero driver who crashed and asked to help take Hasya to the hospital. However, Eko refused. Because of that, Hasya could not be taken to the hospital quickly to get help. Then not long after Hasya arrived at the hospital, Hasya was declared dead.

"Regarding this chronology, what we know from the witnesses who were on the spot. At the time of the incident after being hit (Hasya) was not immediately taken by car (the crasher). So the witness asked (Eko) please take him, in the end he (the witness) had to look for (the ambulance) and had difficulties," said Rian Hidayat, Hasya's family attorney to VOI, Monday, January 30.

Based on information compiled by Hasya's attorney, the time for searching for an ambulance to evacuate Hasya to the hospital was about 10 to 30 minutes. During that time, Hasya did not get medical treatment quickly.

"About 10 to 30 minutes, someone just informed us of an ambulance. This is what we know Hasya just got an ambulance. After we found out (Hasya) was not immediately taken by car (the crasher) or (the crasher) looking for the ambulance. But it was the witness who had been around (looking for an ambulance), that's all we know," he explained.

Even when the witness had time to ask for help and ask the crasher, the crasher did not seem to care.

"What we got the information was that the witness had asked, please take it immediately, right. In the end, there was no help from the car (the crasher). The witness had time to go around to our knowledge, around looking for an ambulance," he said.

Even so, Hasya's attorney has not dug further regarding the reason the Pajero driver did not immediately take Hasya to the hospital.

"We haven't dug it yet, but the witness only thought that someone was hit, his condition was so much as if he was helped. But instead there was no help. I don't know the reason (the crasher didn't help) why, that's what we want to ask," he said.

Hasya's father, Adi Syahputra, also conveyed the same thing. Even Adi admitted that he did not know for sure the chronology of the fatal accident that killed his beloved son.

"So if it actually happened, we only heard from the witnesses who saw it. We were only informed that there had been an accident and it was informed that he had died again, he was already in the hospital," he added to VOI.

As is known, Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra was named a suspect in an accident case involving him and retired police officer Eko Setiabudi.

The accident killed a FISIP UI student in Jagakarsa on Thursday, October 6, 2022. Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra was named a suspect because he was considered negligent in driving, causing him to die.

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