
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) said that the lack of interest in studying and exploring other diseases among health workers (nakes) was still minimal. " “ Taking care of your clothes is indeed a bit difficult for human resources, health workers who have an interest in dealing with your work are difficult for regeneration," said Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases at the Ministry of Health, Imran Pambudi, at the NTD’s Day Media Meeting or the Restorate Tropical Disease Day (Neglected Tropical Diseases) which was followed in Jakarta, Monday, January 30. Responding to the lack of health workers who treat my clothes, Imran said that it is difficult for health workers to grow their interest in their abilities because many young doctors have never seen the body of patients with disabilities firsthand. Hal tersebut juga terjadi pada Imran, di mana hingga kini dirinya belum pernah melihat pasien dengan penyakit frambusia, yakni penderitanya mengalami infeksi kulit, yang disebabkan oleh bacterin Treponema pallidum pertenue. "The “ The problem of my love doesn't seem sexy enough to discuss, so we need to do socialization so that many know that my heart is still a health problem in Indonesia," he said. Another thing that causes a lack of interest in health workers is that even though Indonesia is a tropical country, the spread of cases of extortion is not evenly distributed. He gave an example that in Jakarta, it is rare to find them, but in Madura, East Java, many people with chasing them can be found. "In Madura, you know that many health workers have arrived at the puskesmas. But the longer the health workers get older, not necessarily the ones who have the same interest," said Imran. According to Imran, the Ministry of Health is aware of the problem and is following up by ensuring that the management of the travel program in all regions must run, so that there are health workers who can help people recover from their homes. The Ministry of Health also strengthens case reporting through surveillance in all corners of the country. The goal is to ensure that every health worker in endemic areas always provides services according to the predetermined standards. The provision of science and training was also given to health workers before serving. This NTD Day commemoration is actually one way to move us. By knowing quite a lot, they know and the health workers can be moved because they feel their work is recognized. I think it's important that the regeneration exists,” he said. Skin and Gymnastics Specialist at RSCM Sri Linuwih SW Menaldi added that in the regions, there are actually many health cadres who care and four people who are ostracized, become disabled and unproductive. However, the government is trying to transmit this interest, through the involvement of medical faculties from around 92 universities to 2023 in early order to be given knowledge related to death, so that health workers in the regions can recognize the disease. Although in the end the graduates chose their own specialists, Sri stated that it was an effort to create strategic health workers to help the government eliminate science-based and sustainable graduates. “ We want to share in Indonesia, tropical infection is in great demand by people in European countries. They want to study with us, it's a shame if we don't look at it,” Sri said.

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