
JAKARTA - Still 19 years old, this 19-year-old girl has attracted the attention of Russian authorities, thus putting her on a terrorist list, installing a tracker, ensnaring her with a prison sentence, for criticizing the war.

His name is Olesya Krivtsova. He has an anti-President Putin tattoo on one ankle. Meanwhile, the other ankle is mounted on a bracelet that tracks every move.

The girl from the Arkhangelsk region, Russia, had to wear the device, when she was under house arrest after being charged with social media posts that authorities said discredited the Russian army and confirmed terrorism.

Russian officials added Krivtsova to the list of terrorists and extremists, equivalent to ISIS, al Qaeda and the Taliban, for uploading Instagram stories about the explosion on the Crimea bridge in October, as well as criticizing Russia for invading Ukraine.

Krivtsova, who is a student at the North Federal University (Arktik) in the northwestern city of Arkhangelsk, is also facing criminal charges for discrediting Russian soldiers for making suspectedly critical reposts about the war, in student chats on Russian social network VK.

Currently, Krivtsova is under house arrest in her mother's apartment in Severodvinsk, the Arkhangelsk area. He is banned online and uses other forms of communication.

"Olesya's case is not the first, nor is it the last," Alexei Kichin, Krivtsova's lawyer, told CNN, as reported January 30.

Kichin said the teenager may face up to three years in prison for discrediting the Russian army and up to seven years in prison under the article on the justification of terrorism. However, Krivtsova's legal defense hopes for lighter sentences such as fines.

OVD-Info independent human rights monitor said at least 61 cases began in Russia in 2022 on charges of justifying terrorism on the internet, with 26 cases leading to penalties so far.

Meanwhile, Olesya's mother, Natalya Krivtsova, said the government was trying to give a public warning, with her daughter "caught in public" for not keeping her eyes to herself.

"We live in the Arkhangelsk area and this is a large area, but it is too far from the center. There are no more protests in Arkhangelsk, so they tried to strangled everything left in the early stages," said Natalya Krivtsova.

The head of the local Communist Party, Alexander Novikov, publicly mocked the teenager on state television, calling him stupid to send to the frontline in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region, so he could "look into the eyes" of military fighting as part of Arkhangelsk's battalion.

This is not Olesya Krivtsova's first'meeting' with the authorities for broadcasting her views openly. Last May, she faced administrative demands for discrediting the Russian army by spreading anti-war posters.

The problem became more serious when he was accused of discrediting the Russian army on social media last October. According to lawyer Krivtsova, repeated violations based on the same article turned into criminal cases.

"He has a high sense of justice, which makes his life difficult. The inability to remain silent is now a big sin in the Russian Federation," his mother said.

According to Natalya Krivtsova, police raided an apartment on December 26 where her daughter lives with her husband Ilya, forcing the young people to lie face down on the ground and allegedly threaten them with a hammer hammer, which officers say is from the Wagner Group, a private military contractor led by Yevgeny Prigozhin.

"Olesya was very scared because she saw a video, where a prisoner was killed with a hammer," said her mother.

In a well-known video referred to by Natalya Krivtsova, a mercenaries from the Wagner Group, who actively recruited prisoners, it appears that he executed a former inmate, Yevgeny Nuzhin, with a hammer hammer after he attempted to escape. The video description says: "The traitor accepts traditional primordial Wagnerian punishment."

"The state has some strange policies: prisoners go to war, and children go to prison," he said.

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