
The determination of the suspect in the accident that killed Muhammad Hasya Athallah Syahputra, a FISIP UI student by the police sparked disappointment for Hasya's parents.

"Disappointed for sure, who do you want to be angry with? We just want the process to run transparently. If the process has to start from the start we are ready. As long as it is transparent and everything looks clear so we know who the suspect is," said Ira, the mother of the late Hasya, Sunday, January 29.

Ira admitted that she was ready if the case went to court.

He wanted the case that took his son's life to be investigated transparently and decided by the court.

"If it has to be proven in court, let's prove it in court. Whatever the decision is in court," he said.

As is known, In the accident case, Hasya was named a suspect even though she was killed because she was hit by a retired police officer with the initials ESBW.

In fact, the police advised Hasya's family to file a pretrial if they were not satisfied with the decision to determine the suspect and stop the investigation process.

"Maybe in this process, if the party is not satisfied, they can file a pretrial," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman to reporters, Friday, January 27.

According to Latif, the process of determining the suspect was based on the investigation process according to the rules. Of course, by referring to the evidence found.

"So there is a legal mechanism, of course, based on the new evidence owned by the parties," said Latif.

Meanwhile, the University of Indonesia Alumni Association (ILUNI UI) stated that it would continue to oversee the advocacy process for the death of M Hasya Athalah.

Rian Hidayat, as the ILUNI UI Advocacy Team for victims Hasya emphasized that his party continued to guard until the late Hasya got justice.

"We want this to be processed, so that there is justice and transparency. Regarding wrong or right, let the court's decision be later. Because what we got the latest information about the SP3 was because the late Hasya had died," Rian told VOI at the ILUNI UI Secretariat, UI Salemba Campus Rectorate Building, Central Jakarta, Friday, January 27.

ILUNI UI also questioned the attitude towards the Police regarding the determination of the suspect against Hasya.

"We are wondering why the deceased has been named a suspect. We will demand justice," he said.

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