
TANGERANG - The terrorist act of throwing a cobra sack at the house of the former Governor of Banten, Wahidin Halim in Pinang, Tangerang City, Wednesday, January 25, has become a public conversation. In fact, netizens rated the act of terror as fabrication, or setting up.

Seeing a number of posts on a number of social media platforms, netizens thought that the snake was in a tied sack, so the snake could not come out or attack humans.

Still in public perception, the circulation of CCTV footage for seconds of the perpetrator throwing a large object suspected of being a sack containing a snake, is also the reason netizens consider the action a fabrication that was deliberately went viral.

Based on comments seen on the @Info_Ciledug account, it appears that a number of netizens have responded to the cobra's terror act incident as an act of engineering. For them, this action is a strategy to regain popularity ahead of the 5-year political party, namely the 2024 presidential election.

The account wrote:

"It must be noted that if there is an intention, the snake must be immediately released in the yard, not thrown along with a net that cannot come out the snake. It seems that there is a setting in this drama, sorry if I'm wrong," he wrote.

Many other netizens responded to the account's comments.

@Dewo3_. : Well, just think about it, he wrote.

When confirmed, Wahidin Halim's attorney said that if there was no element of engineering against Wahidin Halim's involvement.

"There are allegations that this case is fabricated, in my opinion, this is a naive perspective, especially in this era. And Mr. Wahidin is a devout person, it is impossible to do things that happen like that," he explained.

What's more, if this is fabricated, Rasyid thinks this is too much if he chooses cobras as his fabrication. Because the animal is a very dangerous creature.

Imagine that the cobra is everywhere, here there are many guests, it can be chaotic and again if you think about the big risk, it's deadly. For example, a gimmick, right? 20 snakes," he concluded.

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