
JAKARTA - The West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government emphasizes the importance of educating the public to prevent illegal parking in tourist destinations in the region.

The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of NTB, Lalu Gita Ariadi said the emergence of illegal parking which was considered a practice of extortion by the Ombudsman became homework with a number of parties. Especially the government to provide education to the public in order to avoid such practices.

"Education is important, to provide an understanding of which ones are allowed and which are not. Because even every levy of one rupiah from the community must have rules, there are regulations and regulations," Gita said in Mataram, Thursday, January 26, quoted by Antara.

He explained that the parking withdrawal mechanism cannot be carried out by individuals. However, the Regional Secretary continued, the parking issue actually rests with the authority of the district and city.

"There is a mechanism for who can take it and there is a regional regulation that regulates it. For example, in hospitals, public places, and shopping centers. And that is the task of the district and city Bapemda," he explained.

To eradicate the practice of indicating extortion, Gita hopes that it can be resolved with persuasive actions. However, if all relevant parties agree, the provincial government will formulate the best mechanisms for the problem.

"We want to provide the best experience to every tourist who comes. Do not let the regions only make detrimental collections without providing good guarantees. Every thing that is collection, the government must provide services in the form of satisfying services to every tourist, lest we be counterproductive," he said.

Previously, the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative of NTB conducted an investigation in line with the emergence of complaints of illegal parking in the Mandalika area.

An investigation was carried out to find out whether there were administrative mall actions in the management of parking services or entering tourist areas in Mandalika.

Based on the results of a closed inspection of a number of parking lots in the Mandalika area, the Ombudsman found several findings.

For example, in front of the Mandalika Circuit or parking by the side of the public road, the tariff charged for private cars is IDR 10,000 for motorcycles IDR 5,000 and buses IDR 15 thousand. The party who pulled the parking lot was wearing a parking vest bearing the transportation logo.

"As for the Kuta Beach tourist attraction, the interesting parking party does not have a parking identity. The tariff charged is Rp. 10,000 for a Roller 4 vehicle, and Rp. 20,000 for buses and the ticket given is not stated who the manager is. And mentions the provisions of the levy funds, entering the object with Rp. 5,000 for carrying garbage, Rp. 20,000 for cleaning equipment, said the Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman representing NTB, Dwi Sudarsono.

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