
SIAK - The oil pipeline of the Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) PT Bumi Siak Pusako (BSP) from the Bandar Pedada well flowing into the Zamrud Area experienced an exact leak on the side of the road in Sabak Permai Village, Sabak Auh District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. Penghulu Kampung Sabak Permai Komarudin confirmed the incident and asked the company to immediately deal with the leak. The reason is that efforts to repair oil pipes that were carried out some time ago were not optimal. "What was leaked was a former patch. That's why it leaked again, causing harm to the surrounding community. The environment was polluted by the leakage of this oil pipe," said Komarudin when confirmed, Antara, Thursday, January 26. As a result of this incident, oil originating from leaking pipes is said to have flowed to residential areas. Thus, causing damage to plants to environmental pollution. "Even the spilled oil had entered the yard of a resident's house. It is estimated that the leak occurred last night," added Sabak Auh resident Dani. Meanwhile, PT BSP Corporate Secretary Riki Hariansyah when contacted admitted that the company had repaired the oil pipe leak in Sabak Permai Village. Since this afternoon the team has been at the location to patch the leaking pipe. "The scattered oils have also been cleaned," he said. The oil pipe leak, said Riki, was caused by the condition of the pipelature (corrosion) due to age and environmental factors. "That's why it's easy to leak. This is our homework going forward to replace the porous pipe, so that it doesn't leak again," said the son of the former Siak Regent, Arwin AS.

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