The Potential For Winding, BPBD Asks West Bangka Fishermen To Echo Their Intention To Go To Sea Until February
Illustration of boats made of gasoline is used by residents or fishermen to fish. (Between)


The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPDB) of West Bangka Regency reminded fishermen to be aware of the potential for strong winds in the next few days.

"Fishermen must always prioritize safety, continue to monitor weather developments from the BMKG and don't force them to go to sea if the weather is not possible," said Head of BPBD West Bangka Regency, Achmad Nursyandi in Mentok, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel), Tuesday, January 24, confiscated by Antara.

Achmad explained that until now the weather in West Bangka is uncertain. Based on weather forecasts, he continued, the potential for strong winds will still hit and even be feared suddenly, thus endangering activities at sea.

Based on weather forecast data, strong winds will still occur frequently in the next few days. The presence of strong winds will affect the occurrence of high waves and strong currents.

"This condition can be dangerous for fishermen and residents who are active at sea. So, we recommend to fishermen to postpone going to sea until the weather is completely safe. It is likely that in February the weather will be quite good," he said.

In addition to giving appeals to fishermen, BPBD also monitors high tides which have the potential to cause tidal sea flooding in a number of residential areas in the area, if accompanied by high rainfall for a long period of time.

"We have dispatched several officers to monitor sea tides in several potential flood locations as an anticipatory measure," he said.

In monitoring these tides, the West Bangka Police through the Water Police Unit also carried out monitoring in Tanjung Village, which has been one of the locations for tidal sea flood subscriptions.

"This monitoring is an anticipatory step so that residents will be ready to rescue and evacuate," said Head of the West Bangka Police Polres Unit Iptu Sugiyanto.

He said patrols had been carried out routinely in the last few days, especially in flood-prone locations along with the increasing rainfall that had occurred in the last few days.

At this time, according to him, the tide is also high, so we need to be vigilant together to anticipate disasters so as not to cause casualties and reduce losses to residents' property.

"We urge the public to be more vigilant in facing extreme weather like today," he said.

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