
JAKARTA - Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD supports the plan to increase or expand the electronic ticketing camera area (ETLE) by the Polda Metro Jaya at 70 points in the capital city.

Chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ismail, said that so far the use of technology for law enforcement has been done, especially the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya already has a special study to place additional cameras at 70 points.

"Judging from the strategy being pursued for traffic control that ETLE is an effort for law enforcement based on information technology, we really support it. Especially when we see the various benefits contained in it," said Ismail at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Tuesday, January 24, quoted from Antara.

Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, revealed that there are at least four benefits of using ETLE as a ticketing method for road users who violate.

First, the electronic ticket facilitates data collection on motorized vehicle ownership which is increasingly accurate in Jakarta, then the second is the efficiency of supervision in the field.

Then the third, to minimize exposure to pollution to officers who will worsen the health condition of officers for a long period of time.

And fourthly, with the expansion of the electronic ticketing area, the public will feel more supervised for 24 hours so that it will foster compliance with road users.

"In that way, people are also encouraged to switch to using public transportation," said Syafrin.

Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman said the number of vehicles in Jakarta now has reached 22.4 million with a road length of 7,800 kilometers, resulting in a buildup of vehicles on the road, therefore the implementation of ETLE is very appropriate.

He explained that the violations recorded by ETLE technology, among others, broke red lights, violated road markings, resisted road flow, used cell phones while driving, did not use seat belts, odd-even violations, more vehicles, did not wear helmets and others.

"We together with the Transportation Agency will do our best to provide security and comfort for road users. Thank you for the support from the DKI DPRD for supporting our duties in the procurement of static ETLE since 2019. We will bring a more modern face to Jakarta," he said.

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