
YOGYAKARTA - The Turkish Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden last Saturday (21/1/2023) caught the attention of the world's Muslim community. Somehow, in front of the embassy, there was a demonstration by the leader of the Danish right-wing party Hardline, Rasmus Paludan which was very unfortunate that there was an incident of burning Al-Qurans. Then who is Rasmus Paludan?

Paludan's provocative action by burning the Al-Qur’an is not the first time this has happened. Previously, similar Islamophobic acts had also been carried out in 2019.

In TRT's explanation, Paludan also wrapped a copy of the Koran in smoked meat, burned it, and threw it into the air.

Paludan acted again in September 2020 when he burned the Koran in Rinkeby, in the southern city of Malmo, Sweden. Paludan was then banned from entering Sweden for two years, as quoted by Al Jazeera.

Who Is Rasmus Paludan?

Rasmus Paludan is a Danish-Swedish man. Rasmus Paludan is known as a founding politician and leader of the Danish right-wing political party Hard Line.

As reported by several media, in 2017, the man who is now 40 years old, founded a Danish right-wing movement called Stram Kurs or Garis Keras. The political party launched by Paludan has frequently announced anti-immigrant and anti-Islam plans.

Not only that, but Rasmus Paludan is also known as an advocate and YouTuber and is known to have been convicted of racial insults. The figure of Paludan is known to have often carried out racial acts.

Burning holy books hurts the value of tolerance

The incident of burning the Koran by Paludan drew a number of reactions from many parties, including Indonesia. The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) was angry and strongly condemned the action taken by Paludan.

"Indonesia strongly condemns the burning of the holy Koran by Rasmus Paludan, a Swedish politician in Stockholm (21/1)," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote in a statement on its official Twitter account.

The Indonesian government emphasized that the sad incident was an act of blasphemy against the holy book and also injured the value of tolerance between religious communities.

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