
Today the 5th President of Indonesia and the Chairperson of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, is 76 years old. A number of PDIP cadres also celebrated Megawati's birthday, including the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

Ganjar celebrated Megawati's birthday in a unique way. He did not hold a special event. Ganjar celebrates Megawati's birthday by going directly to the community to carry out Megawati's orders, namely trying to finish stunting.

Ganjar rides from Semarang to Prampelan Village, Sayung District, Demak Regency. There, Ganjar chatted with pregnant, lactating women, and teenagers at the Healthy Kitchen Overcoming Stunting (Dashat) event.

"How is it, ma'am, reportedly, healthy? The content is healthy, right? Oh yes, because we are with mothers, today is the 5th president's mother, we have a birthday, you know. Let's congratulate Megawati's mother," said Ganjar Pranowo while chatting with pregnant and lactating mothers.

Immediately, they compactly wish Megawati a happy birthday. Prayers and hopes are given, so that Megawati has a long life and is always healthy.

"Yes, earlier with pregnant and lactating women, they wished Mrs. Mega a happy birthday. Hopefully she will always be given health and strength," said Ganjar.

At Megawati's birthday moment, Ganjar Pranowo said he chose to jump into the community to check the stunting handling program. Because according to him, PDIP, especially Megawati, is very concerned about the program.

"This movement is what we can synergize so that what Mega's mother pays attention to us who are assigned to the executive is clear. Mrs. Mega is very concerned about pregnant people, very concerned about reducing stunting rates, very attention to teenagers, especially young women," he explained.

Moreover, he continued, Megawati always ordered her staff to go down to the community to solve existing problems, including stunting. As one of the PDIP cadres, Ganjar has long focused on stunting through his famous program, Central Java Gayeng Nginceng Wong Meteng (5ng).

"This order we do right in the middle of his birthday. So we celebrate Mrs. Megawati's birthday with useful things in Indonesia and at some points that require attention," explained Ganjar Pranowo.

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