
TANGERANG - Pagedangan Police Chief, AKP Seala Syah Alam revealed, the identity of the murder victim in Karang Tengah Village, Rancahaur Village, Pegedangan, Tangerang Regency, is an Online Ojek (ojol). He has the initials S (64).

A male victim, S is 64 residents of Jatake village (Tangerang Regency-ed). The profession (online motorcycle taxi)," said Seala in a short message, Sunday, January 22.

On the occasion, Seala explained, the victim died after suffering injuries to his neck and body.

However, when asked whether the victim died from a knife or another weapon, he was reluctant to speculate.

"It's still being investigated. I ask that the next time will be informed," he said.

Regarding the identity of the perpetrator, Seala admitted that she could not convey it. However, for the work of the perpetrator, it is the same as for the victim, namely ojol.

"Yes, that's right (the ojol-ed perpetrator)," he concluded.

In less than 24 hours the discovery of the body of a man in the Karang Tengah Village area, Rancahaur Village, Pegedangan, Tangerang Regency, the police have arrested the alleged perpetrator.

Pagedangan Police Chief, AKP Seala Syah Alam said that one person was arrested.

"That's right 1 (the perpetrator has been arrested-ed). The number is one person," said Seala via text message, Sunday, January 22.

However, when asked about the identity of the perpetrator, Seala admitted that she could not convey further. Because it is still being investigated intensively.

"We're checking itensive," he said.

Seala said that the bodies of the victims were found by residents on Sunday, January 22, at 06.50 WIB.

"It is true that a body was found. (Found-ed) this morning at 06.50 WIB," he concluded.

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