
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir has a way to produce clean football in Indonesia.

As is known, Erick Thohir is one of the names included in the candidate exchange for PSSIperiod 2023-2027.

The former Inter Milan boss's main mission is to create clean football, away from dirty hands. The trick is to create rule of the game' which must be obeyed by all elements of PSSI without exception.

"Clean football is the first step. To make it happen, we have to dismantle everything and install a new foundation. There must be a rule of the game," said Erick Thohir, Saturday, January 20.

With the rule of the game, there is no need to worry about dirty hands or conflicts of interest. Because, later there will be standards that must be met.

Currently, there is indeed distrust from the public that the old faces who have been in power will be re-entered at PSSI. However, the former Inter Milan boss emphasized that if he is elected later, there will be rules that ensure that everything goes according to the corridor.

"We are against the system, not individuals. We don't fight with others. Of course, later there will be some parties who are not happy, but must be faced for the sake of clean football," he said.

"I hope that the elected Exco (Executive Committee) members must be ready later. My expectations are high, there is a KPI being carried out. There is no such thing as closeness, or reluctance, everything can get hit, including me," he added.

Erick Thohir admits that he is ready to face all the consequences in order to run this rule of the game, which will be made without violating the PSSI statutes of course.

"Don't forget, repairs will definitely take time. There is a short, medium and long term. First, clean football first, from the league and national team," he said.

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