
JAKARTA - A total of 771,144 vehicles are predicted to leave Jabotabek during the Chinese New Year holiday period in 2023. From Friday, January 20 to Tuesday, January 24.

"This figure is the cumulative figure of traffic flow (traffic) from the four Barrier / Main Toll Gates (GT), namely Cikupa GT (to Merak), Ciawi GT (to Puncak), and Cikampek Utama GT (to Trans Java) and Kalihurip Utama GT (to Bandung). The total volume of traffic leaving the Jabotabek area increased by 12.12 percent when compared to normal traffic," said Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Lisye Octaviana in a statement in Jakarta, Friday, January 20, reported by Antara.

For the distribution of traffic leaving Jabotabek from the three directions, the majority were 359,691 vehicles or 21.28 percent headed East (Trans Java and Bandung), then 221,827 vehicles or 2.98 percent headed West (Merak), and 169,373 vehicles or 8.06 percent headed South (Puncak).

For vehicles heading east (Trans Java and Bandung), traffic leaving Jabotabek heading towards Trans Java via GT Cikampek Utama Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, with a total of 176,141 vehicles, an increase of 24 percent from normal traffic.

Meanwhile, traffic leaving Jabotabek heading towards Bandung via GT Kalihurip Utama Cipularang Toll Road, with a total of 183,550 vehicles, increased by 18.77 percent from normal traffic.

The total traffic leaving Jabotabek from the direction of Trans Java and Bandung through the two GTs was 359,691 vehicles, an increase of 21.28 percent from normal traffic.

Meanwhile, traffic leaving Jabotabek heading west or Merak via the Cikupa GT Tangerang-Merak Toll Road is 221,827 vehicles, an increase of 2.98 percent from normal traffic.

Meanwhile, the number of vehicles leaving Jabotabek towards Puncak via GT Ciawi Jagorawi Toll Road was 169,373 vehicles, an increase of 8.06 percent from normal traffic.

Lisye said Jasa Marga ensured that the readiness of Jasa Marga Group toll road operations was running optimally, especially on toll roads that could potentially become favorite tourist destinations for road users during long holidays, including the Jagorawi Toll Road for Puncak and its surroundings and Jakarta-Cikampek and Cipularang for Trans Java and Bandung.

"In addition to ensuring the function of toll equipment at the substation, we also increase the number of officers and mobile readers to increase transaction capacity at toll gates for main / barrier toll roads. Not only at toll gates, we anticipate the potential for congestion in lanes by placing officers at density-prone points on favorite toll roads to accelerate the handling of vehicle disruptions in lanes and regulate traffic even faster," he said.

He also added that through the discretion of the Police, Jasa Marga is also ready to support traffic engineering, such as contraflow, by placing officers and supporting signs.

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