
"If you want to win in the 2024 Presidential Election or elections in Indonesia in general, of course, the mastery of the base in West Java is absolutely necessary," Umam told Antara in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 18.

According to him, election participants need voters from West Java, especially for political parties as well as pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates who need large votes to win the election.

"Who controls West Java has the potential to become a winner," he added.

The Professor of Political Sciences at Paramadina University stated that more than 204.5 million votes will be contested at next year's democratic party. Of these, 58 percent of them are voters in Java.

Therefore, if the 2024 election contestants win in West Java and the victory is combined with the most votes in Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta or Banten, the chance of winning will be even greater.

The same thing was conveyed by the Executive Director of Indonesian Political Parameters Adi Prayitno, who said that West Java was one of the largest voters for elections in Indonesia.

"West Java is an important voter that must be won if it wants to win the presidential election," he said.

With the highest number of voters in Indonesia, he continued, West Java became an idol for election contestants. In fact, according to Adi, winning in West Java could close defeats in other areas where the number of voters was not significant.

"The very rational claim that mentions winning in West Java is the key to victory, with records in other key areas such as East Java and Central Java also winning," he explained.

Regarding the figure of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil as an influential and popular figure in West Java, Adi said Ridwan Kamil was claimed to be able to provide additional electability for political parties.

"At least in West Java the effect will be very pronounced," said Adi.

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