
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono received an audience with the Head of the Regional Office (Kakanwil) BPN DKI Jakarta Wartomo at DKI Jakarta City Hall.

Wartomo revealed, this year, the government has agreed to complete the process of identifying land problems in Jakarta. According to him, identifying problems is an important key to solving problems.

"This year's target must, of course, go through identification, which is carried out thoroughly," said Wartomo at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Wednesday, January 18.

Wartomo added that this meeting also discussed land validation and efforts to improve collaboration and coordination with existing stakeholders in the future. By 2023, Wartomo has targeted a number of problems to be resolved.

"Later on the priority scale, which one must immediately be completed, which one must go through a study with input from various cross-sectors. That's what we will do. The results of the identification were what we did," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor Heru emphasized that the management of land problems could be carried out as well as possible. For this reason, it is necessary to identify every land problem in Jakarta.

"This meeting unites the spirit to solve various land problems by doing it together. Also identify problems as well as possible," he said.

Previously, Heru had also held a meeting with BPN DKI on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. The meeting discussed the acceleration of the sodetan project which is still not over. The plan is for the government to continue the construction of a drain drain in Bidara Cina.

One obstacle discussed and most prominent is the unclear status of land ownership to be acquired. This was revealed by the former Head of the BPN Jakarta Regional Office Dwi Budi Martono while still in office.

Dwi revealed that there are names of land owners that are different from the three types of land certificates on the land to be acquired, namely girik, land use appointment permit (SIPPT), and building use rights (HGB).

"So, there is SIPPT, and HGB. From there we will use it as an outlet. Some don't know who the owner of the 3 (letters) is, who is the most entitled to be paid. Is it girik, HGB holder, or SIPPT holder," said Dwi.

Dwi explained that the land acquisition process sourced from the Ministry of PUPR budget will not be carried out before it is clear that all land ownership statuses are clear.

Meanwhile, this program needs to be carried out immediately to minimize the impact of flooding. Bearing in mind, Acting Governor Heru Budi received a mandate from President Joko Widodo to immediately resolve the problem of flooding and congestion in Jakarta as a priority.

Therefore, the DKI Provincial Government together with BPN DKI Jakarta decided to take the consignment route to the court. In a sense, when negotiating land acquisition with residents ends, the DKI Provincial Government can entrust compensation costs for land acquisition to court and immediately intensify evictions.

"Because it is not yet known who (the land owner) really is, we cannot, please, pay it to one (the owner of the land certificate). We will consignment it, so that later it will be brought to court and the project can work," said Dwi.

"If there is a dispute, it can be converted, so that the land can be used. Hopefully it can also reduce flooding with the existence of the drain," he continued.

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