
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) feels sad to know that there are still people in the country who have difficulty wanting to carry out their worship. In fact, freedom of worship has been regulated by the constitution.

This was conveyed by Jokowi when opening the Regional Head Coordination Meeting and FKPD throughout Indonesia at SICC, West Java, Tuesday, January 17. He mentioned the prohibition on building places of worship in a number of areas.

"Because I see it still happens. Sometimes I think, as hard as I think about people who will worship? It's sad, if we hear," Jokowi said as quoted from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube show, Tuesday, January 17.

Jokowi reminded the constitution in Indonesia to regulate six religions. Apart from Islam, there are Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists and Confucians who have equal rights in religion and worship.

He asked the governors, regents, mayors to relevant stake holders to read the 1945 Constitution again Article 29 Paragraph 2 in implementing religious-related policies within their respective administrative areas.

"Once again, (religious freedom and worship, ed) is guaranteed by the constitution. This must be understood," he said.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta reminded the constitution not to lose by reason. For example, an agreement is not allowed to build a house of worship.

"Be careful, you know. Our constitution, be careful, you know, guarantee it," he said.

Regional heads are asked to understand about freedom of religion and worship. Do not let there be intolerant areas because of policy making that do not pay attention to the constitution.

"Our constitution provides freedom of religion and worship," he concluded.

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