
JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of PPP Arsul Sani satirized another party that was mentioned by PDIP chairman Megawati Soekarnoputri for supporting a different figure as a presidential candidate in 2024. PSI spoke up.

PSI Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Grace Natalie said that her party declared PDIP cadres and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo to run in the 2024 presidential election because it absorbed the aspirations of its cadres. This is what PPP did.

"Similar to Arsul's aspirations, PSI has also carried out a screening of aspirations from below (bottom up). People's youth are polls that we have held since early 2022," Grace told reporters, Tuesday, January 17. Grace added that Ganjar's suspension as PSI 2024 presidential candidate was the wish of PSI supporters from below, not PSI elites. PSI's results, said Grace, the majority considered Ganjar worthy of being promoted as a presidential candidate in 2024. "Support to Mr. Ganjar is not the decision of the PSI party elite, but the result of capturing the aspirations of PSI supporters. As a result, the majority asked PSI to support Pak Ganjar," he explained. "Because PSI is already committed, whoever excels in Rembuk Rakyat, we will support it. This is the public's mandate to PSI, we only convey it," added Grace.

Previously, PPP Deputy Arsul Sani said that his party did not want to get caught by the center of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri because there was a political party that declared its cadres. Therefore, Arsul said, PPP does not want to be arrogant in mentioning names to be nominated as presidential or vice presidential candidates in the upcoming elections. Because he said, PPP is a party that is in the process of determining candidates by listening to aspirations from below. "The consequence is that all figures who want to be promoted by PPP are of course to get acquainted with the PPP structure below, that is what Pak Sandiaga Uno and Pak Erick Thohir are doing now," said Arsul at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Monday, January 16.

The Deputy Chairperson of the MPR revealed that so far the support for certain figures in the regional structure is still relatively fluid, although in some areas it has been seen to determine the direction.

"At PPP, once again, the sound of support is still fluid. In Central Java, Pak Erick is strong, in East Java too. So PPP is based on not territory, it's already branches now. For example, if we ask several DPCs in Madura, they call Prof Mahfud, because it's natural that Madura's best son is currently in the government. Let it be, it doesn't matter, that's precisely where we enjoy democracy internally," said Arsul.

Arsul said the internal dynamics of PPP in proposing the candidate was a natural thing.

He explained that later all proposals from the regional structure would be brought to the PPP Mukernas which would produce the name of the candidate supported by the PPP to run in the 2024 presidential election.

"Later, the bottom support will be with A, to B, how come it turns out that the DPP decided through the National Working Group, namely C, we will explain why choosing the C. But actually, friends already understand that PPP is now the smallest position in the DPR, yes," he explained.

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