
JAKARTA - General Chairperson (Ketum) of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri supports a new approach in the Indonesian medical world by utilizing the richness of local flora and fauna to support medical medicine. According to Megawati, Indonesia has great potential to develop more natural medicines due to flora and fauna in the country that is very rich, far from external countries that produce chemical medicines. Because there is no natural ingredient, that's why it mixes chemically. If we, from natural ingredients, Megawati said in the event "Resolution of Renovation and Revitalization of Grand Inna Bali Beach, Explanation and Precentation of Development of Mayo Hospitals and Plants", in Denpasar, Bali, Monday, January 16, were confiscated by Antara. On the occasion to review the garden or ethanometric botanical garden, Megawati was accompanied by the Chairperson of the DPR Puan Maharani, Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir, and the Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handaka. The garden is a special zone managed by BRIN and the Botanical Garden to become a center of health and park research center for "usada" in order to develop medicinal plants in healing therapy of various types of diseases. Minister Erick Thohir said that the development of ehnomedic Klein gardens would utilize the traditional Balinese treatment certificate. "Well, we try to describe the traditional treatment of Bali that uses local herbal plants that work with BRIN and all health figures in Bali," explained Erick. Meanwhile, President Commissioner Injourney Triawan Munaf said the health tourism sector is a new potential that can provide solutions for Indonesian people to bring medical capabilities to the international arena. Starting from the dream of the 1st President Soekarno built the center of the Sanur tourist area, he said, the Ministry of SOE's initiated Sanur area to become an integrated health tourism destination. Gagasan and this step is expected to be a major transformation for Indonesian health tourism," said Triawan.

Furthermore, Megawati asked questions about the medicinal plants to be cultivated. The fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia even talked about his friend in Jeju, South Korea, namely Professor Kim who manages a hotel and combines with health services. The health tourism was accompanied by a park named Taman Megawati Soekarnoputri. The park is part of the health therapy given to visitors. "In addition to supporting the use of local wealth for medical treatment, Megawati encourages the spirit of loving the earth and the environment, as the spirit and way Balinese lives to care for trees. He told me during Bung Karno's life, the father had brought him to visit Bali. At that time, Megawati asked about the purpose of the cloth being circled in a tree. I used to walk with my father. I told my father, why was the tree given cloth clothes like that? I said, it respects nature like that. Well, if I like trees, for me, trees are taken care of like that. While we are others, we actually often cut down trees. If in Bali, this is hugged, "said Megawati.

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