
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has examined the Regional Secretary of the Bangkalan Regency Government R. Moh. Taufan Zairinsjah on Friday, January 13. He was asked for information regarding his communication with the inactive Bangkalan Regent Abdul Latif Amin Imron.

"The witness was present and his knowledge was investigated, among others, related to the alleged interaction of certain communications between the witness and the suspect RALAI et al," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Monday, January 16.

In addition, investigators continue to investigate the flow of money received by Abdul Latif through his trusted people. This step was taken by examining four witnesses.

Ali said the four witnesses examined were the Head of the Bangkalan Regional Secretary Development Administration, Jupriyanto, and the Secretary of the Bangkalan Regency KBPPPA Office, Ery Yadi Santoso.

Next, investigators also examined the Head of Spatial Planning at the Public Works and Housing Office of Bangkalan Regency, Alifin Rudiansyah; and the Village Head Aeng Taber Jayus Salam. From that examination, the KPK tried to find out where Abdul Latif came from.

"The witnesses were present and their knowledge was investigated, among others, related to the alleged flow of money received for the suspect RALAI through several trusted people," he said.

As for this case, Abdul Latif is suspected of accepting bribes related to the auction of positions and project arrangements at the Bangkalan Regency Government. The money he got was then allocated to the interests of the electability survey of up to IDR 5.3 billion.

Apart from Abdul Latif, the KPK also named other suspects. They are the Head of the Bangkalan District Apparatus Personnel and Development Agency Agus Eka Leandy and the Head of the Bangkalan PUPR Office, Wildan Yulianto.

Next, the KPK also appointed the Head of the Bangkalan Food Security Office, Achmad Mustaqim; Head of the Bangkalan Regency Community and Village Empowerment Office Hosin Jamili; and the Head of the Lerindustrian and Manpower Office of Bangkalan Regency Salman Hidayat as suspects.

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