
SEMARANG - Ganjar Pranowo is a regional head who is happy with sports activities. Cycling, marathon and leisurely is the activity he mostly does. He seemed happy when following the healthy path which was followed by various religious elements in Semarang and Central Java, Saturday, January 14.

It is the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Java that holds a healthy path for harmony and declaration of religious communities in the city of Semarang. On that occasion, Ganjar said that religious harmony could be carried out in many ways. One of them is like the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Java.

"This is good. So the program is a healthy way and those who attend are figures from various religions, so how do we foster harmony in various activities initiated by the Ministry of Religion. This is simultaneously throughout Indonesia," said Ganjar after a healthy walk with people across religions at Diponegoro Stadium, Semarang.

The healthy road was attended by at least 2,400 people. They mingled along the Diponegoro Stadium route, Ki Mangunsarkoro Street, KH Ahmad Dahlan Street, Simpanglima Street, Ahmad Yani Street, and finished at Diponegoro Stadium. Along the way Ganjar Pranowo and other participants looked cute and laughed together.

"We can show the community, religious communities in Indonesia, especially those in Central Java, you know, it's like this. Then in their daily activities they work together, when they carry out worship, everyone respects each other and this can be used as a movement," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also highlighted the Central Java Ministry of Religion's Regional Office program in fostering the harmony of various people in Central Java. The program, called Merah Marun, has been implemented to the lowest level in the social structure. The program, which is a change project from the Ministry of Religion, also received very good reception in the community.

"The program created by Mr. Musta'in (Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Java) was used as one of the change projects carried out at the Ministry of Religion until the release of the Governor's Regulation. It turns out that when this was carried out at the bottom level, the community's remarks were varied and more creative. So actually our society is a tolerant society, respecting each other, who likes to work together. These values continue to be developed," he explained.

"With this healthy path, they meet, gather, the joy is there. Almost we can no longer recognize when things that are negative often appear in the media, they are invisible here. They can joke among diverse people, take photos together, together. That's what we have to do continuously, "continued Ganjar.

Head of the Central Java Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Musta'in added that the healthy road activities for the people for a great Indonesia are a commitment that religion must appear in a harmonious face. The Marun Red Movement which was promoted in Central Java has the same spirit as the central theme.

"Through Merah Marun, we together with other stakeholders, the 4,800 religious counselors, are present in the community, invite to talk casually, have a good dialogue about religion that is enlightening. Religion that brings into a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere," he explained.

According to Musta'in, currently in Central Java there are 340 neighborhood units (RT) that mention religious harmony (KUB) in it. For example, the Religious and KUB Sections or the spiritual and KUB Sections. Hundreds of RTs spread across 19 villages are aware of harmony in Central Java and will continue to be developed again.

"Later we will continue to develop so that people get used to it. As soon as we talk about religion in harmony, it's like two sides of a currency that cannot be separated. Religion must have a harmonious ending. If the ending is harmonious, we can consolidate our energy to get that great Indonesia. That's what we are now doing as explained by Governor Ganjar Pranowo earlier," he explained.

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