
The Mataram City Environment Agency (DLH) immediately reorganized the urban forest in Taman Udayana after 34 stalls of street vendors (PKL) in the area were dismantled.

"After the demolition process for dozens of unordered street vendors, we will rearrange so that Udayana Park is more representative," said Head of the Mataram City DLH M. Kemal Islam in Mataram, Thursday, January 12, as reported by Antara.

He said, to organize the park, a budget of around Rp. 300 million has been prepared with a city park length of about 250-300 meters will be arranged.

"We will carry out the arrangement in stages, in accordance with regional capabilities," he said.

The arrangement of Taman Udayana which starts from the north side of SMPN 6 Mataram, he said, will follow the example of structuring the northern end of the park which has been planted with trees that are safer from potential fallen trees.

"In the northern park, we have planted colorful Tabebuya flowers, some yellow, white, red, and pink. So that when it blooms later, it will be like Sakura flowers," he said.

Therefore, large protective trees in Taman Udayana will now be cut down and replaced with flowering plant types and have a low risk of falling trees.

"The protective trees that exist today are time for rejuvenation, because the Trembesi tree is currently a crop that is easily broken," he said.

In addition, the park will also be equipped with a place in the form of a railway line, just like the northern part of the park.

This arrangement, added Kemal, is one of the efforts so that traders do not come back to make stalls that seem shabby.

"Even if there is a trade, we will do our best so that their existence is not chaotic and slum. But there are not many in number," he said.

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