
YOGYAKARTA Towards the 2024 political year, many survey institutions have measured the popularity and electability of figures who have the potential to advance in elections. Apart from this, it should be noted that popularity and electability are two different things. For more details, see the following explanation.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), popularity is interpreted as something popular. Meanwhile, electability is interpreted as the ability or ability to be elected to a position in government.

In the realm of politics, popularity is the condition of the introduction of a figure or party in the eyes of the community in certain areas. Meanwhile, electability is the level of electability of both figures or parties based on certain criteria in the election.

What distinguishes popularity and electability is the level of electability. A popular person does not necessarily have the potential to be selected and in accordance with the criteria of a position chosen by the community. Meanwhile, someone who has high electability is certainly close to the high level of popularity in society. Here are some things that distinguish popularity and electability.

The difference between popularity and electability is one of them in terms of understanding. Popularity is closely related to the recognition of a person, while electability is related to the level of electability.

A person will be called popular if he is widely known by the public in an area. The wider he is known the higher the level of popularity. Meanwhile, a person with high electability does not have to be famous, but he must meet the criteria as a figure who is likely to be selected.

In the world of politics, credibility is something that is considered important. For example, a person's credibility in occupying a position will determine how much popularity he achieves and how much electability is attached to his figure.

The reach of the introduction of a popular and electability person is sometimes different. A popular person who has a wide range of recognition is not even impossible for a popular person to be known to the public and politicians. Meanwhile, someone with a high level of electability is not necessarily known by the public in general and is only known among party participants.

Objects that get popular embedding or have different electability are also different. Popularity can be embedded in all figures such as artists, officials, athletes, and so on. Meanwhile, electability cannot be pinned to all groups.

The feasibility to be selected is also a difference between popularity and electability. A popular person is not necessarily worthy of choice. While someone who has high electability still has the possibility to be considered worthy of choice. However, he needs various strategies to make him popular so that he is widely recognized by the wider community.

How to get high popularity and electability is sometimes different. To become a popular person, a person can do many things. For example, he can create phenomenal works, or someone popular because of a scandal.

As for achieving electability, a person must go through certain proofs, especially those related to self-provability.

That's information related to differences in popularity and electability. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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