
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that the synergy between the Bhayangkara Corps and the TNI in the country is getting better and more optimal. "The inauguration of the new Papuan Police building with the TNI Commander and TNI Chiefs of Staff is a manifestation of the TNI-Polri synergy which is increasingly running optimally and well," said National Police Chief Sigit Prabowo in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, January 8. This was conveyed by the National Police Chief after inaugurating the new building of the Papua Police with the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono and the three TNI chiefs of staff. The National Police Chief said the inauguration of the new Polda building was also a form of gift for the Papuan people. This was even more special because it was attended by the National Police Chief, the TNI Commander along with three TNI staff chiefs. "So, this is a gift for all members and the people of Papua, of course, a gift for Christmas and New Year," said Sigit. In his direction, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police instructed the Papua Police Chief to implement the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri to all personnel. "If the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri can be built properly, the community will feel comfortable and safe. This of course has an impact on maintaining good political stability and security so that community welfare, economic growth, and investment are realized," said Sigit. "Continue to improve the quality, solidity and synergy of the TNI-Polri to be at the forefront of providing services to maintain security and also make the entire community safe and comfortable," he said. On that occasion, he said that with the construction of the Papua Regional Police building in a new location, it could also realize President Joko Widodo's related program in encouraging infrastructure development, especially in eastern Indonesia. "We hope that it is in line with the President's policy. That the Land of Papua must progress like other regions in Indonesia," he said. As the number one person in the police force, Sigit admits that he always encourages infrastructure development, especially in eastern parts of Indonesia, to be accelerated, and parallel to the development of human resources to be achieved. Therefore, the Papua Police Chief must be able to prepare new programs, especially increasing community activities that can encourage new economic growth for the Papuan people.

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