
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) asked the National Police to remove Yulius Bambang Karryanto alias YBK from his position for being involved in a drug case.

"We ask the leadership of the National Police to remove his position because he has lowered the dignity and dignity of the Police in the community," said Lemkapi Executive Director Edi Hasibuan in a written statement, Sunday, January 8.

He urged the National Police's Internal Professional and Security Division (Divpropam) to immediately provide recommendations for Kombes YBK to be removed immediately.

Kombes YBS is known to be a member of the Directorate of Water Police (Ditpolair) of the Water and Air Police Corps (Korpolairud) of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam).

"He must also be given strict ethical sanctions for his involvement in drugs," he said.

Edi conveyed that Lemkapi also appreciated the Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran who did not hesitate to arrest members of the police who were involved in drug abuse.

Some time ago, former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa was also arrested in connection with a drug case.

"The Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Directorate is very firm. Anyone involved, including a middle-ranking police officer, will even be arrested if he is proven to be involved in drugs," said Edi.

According to Edi, this firm action by the Metro Jaya Police is in accordance with the orders of the National Police Chief, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, so that the Regional Police Chiefs do not hesitate to take action against members of the National Police if they are involved in drugs.

"We see this as evidence of the transparency of the National Police in handling various drug cases," he said.

Previously, the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes YBK, on suspicion of drug abuse at a hotel in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Friday, January 6.

The evidence confiscated were two packages of methamphetamine weighing 0.5 grams and 0.6 grams.

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