
JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Maruf Amin said raising the flag of political parties in places of worship, such as mosques, violating the rules and not being good for the integrity of the congregation.

"In the whole of the congregation it's not good, and then also the rules don't allow it," the Vice President told reporters after attending Haul Al Maghfurlah Mama KH. TB. Muhammad Falak Abbas's 51st, in Bogor, West Java, Saturday night.

In the applicable regulations, it is not permissible to carry out campaigns or raising or fixing party attributes in government offices, places of worship and places of education.

"I think the (rules) already exist, that's why all parties must comply with it and I heard it was warned," he explained, quoted by Antara.

He reminded that the mosque has many worshipers, and not necessarily the entire congregation has the same political aspirations. So that the raising of party flags at the mosque, according to him, could have a bad impact on the congregation.

"The mosque is a congregation, the political aspirations are not necessarily one, right. If later one party (spreads the flag) then another party comes again, or the congregation then falls apart, disbands, it is not mashahaat," said Ma ruf.

Previously, the flag of the Ummat Party was reportedly stretched at the At-Taqwa Cirebon Grand Mosque in West Java. The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Cirebon has requested information from the management of the Ummat Party regarding the flag-raising incident in the At-Taqwa Grand Mosque, and has not been able to apply sanctions.

"We have received information from the management of the Ummat Party regarding the raising of the party flag in the At Taqwa Mosque," said Cirebon City Bawaslu Chairman Mohamad Joharudin in Cirebon, Thursday (5/1).

Joharudin said, according to the management of the Ummat Party, the flag-raising was not planned in advance, but was a spontaneous action, at which time the management was holding a meeting and prostrating in gratitude after the party passed.

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