Former OVO Employees Alleged Perpetrators Of Child Domestic Violence Are Still Witnesses
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JAKARTA RIS, a former OVO employee suspected of committing domestic violence (KDRT) at the Siganture Park Tebet Apartment, South Jakarta, has fulfilled his standards at the South Jakarta Metro Police (Jaksel). RIS is not yet a suspect.

Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi, said RIS was still a witness. And said Nurma, the South Jakarta Police plan to conduct a case title.

"Not yet (the suspect), (the investigator) still wants to hold a case," said Nurma when confirmed, Thursday, January 5.

When asked when the plan for the title of the case was, Nurma could not convey it because it was the investigator's authority.

"It will be informed later," he said.

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