JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) again gave a signal regarding the planned reshuffle or reshuffle of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet in the near future.
"Tomorrow," said Jokowi briefly when asked by the media crew about the reshuffle issue when inspecting the production area of Oil and Gas (Migas) PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan Dumai as reported by Antara, Thursday, January 5.
"It can be Friday, it can be Monday, it can be Tuesday, it can be Wednesday," Jokowi replied again when the media crew asked if the person in question was Friday, February 6.
This is not the first time President Jokowi has conveyed this signal for the reshuffle of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet in 2023.
Previously, the President had appealed to all parties to wait for a possible cabinet reshuffle case on the sidelines of visiting Tanah Abang Jakarta Market on Monday, early January.
"Yes, just wait," said Jokowi at the time.
Jokowi made a similar answer when he was asked about the possibility of changing the composition of political parties in the ranks of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.
Meanwhile, in Jakarta, the issue of changing the composition of the cabinet rose after rumors emerged that the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny Gerard Plate planned to resign from his position. The rumors did not last long because Johnny immediately released a statement that this was not true.
"Given the information related to our duties as the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia which has been widely circulated in the community, especially in social media, we can convey that until now we are still carrying out the duties and functions entrusted by the President as members of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet," Johnny wrote in a statement that was distributed to the media crew, Thursday afternoon.
Johnny, who is the Secretary General of the NasDem Party DPP, reiterated that the cabinet reshuffle decision is President Jokowi's full authority.
"It needs to be reaffirmed that forming and changing or changing cabinet members is fully under the prerogative of the President in accordance with the Indonesian constitution," he said.
The Advanced Indonesia Cabinet for the 2019-2024 period has previously experienced three reshuffles by President Jokowi. First on December 23, 2020, where there were six new officials for the post of Minister of Health, Minister of Social Affairs, Minister of Religion, Minister of Trade, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.
Then on April 28, 2021, Jokowi reshuffled the two Advanced Indonesia Cabinets by inaugurating two new officials for the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology as well as the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM.
Furthermore, the third reshuffle occurred on June 15, 2022 when Jokowi inaugurated a number of new officials for the post of the Minister of Trade, Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR)/Head of BPN, Deputy Minister of ATR/Deputy Head of BPN, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, and Deputy Minister of Manpower.
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