
YOGYAKARTA Sri Mulyani's name does not only belong to MenETri Keuagan. A Regent in Central Java is also named Sri Mulyani. Although not as famous as the Minister of Finance, this regent is also interesting to look at his profile after loudly rejecting the toll road project in the east ring of Solo.

As previously reported by VOI, the Central government plans to build a Solo east-south ring toll road that crosses Klaten Regency, Karang Anyar Regency and Sukoharjo Regency.

However, the project was rejected by the Klaten Regent, Sri Mulyani because it was feared that it would eat more sustainable rice fields. Moreover, so far Klaten is one of the national food barns.

So far, the Solo-Jogja toll road project has consumed a lot of sustainable rice fields. Especially in the Klaten Regency area, of the approximately 500 hectares of land used for toll roads, 300 ha of which are sustainable rice fields.

"The agricultural land is almost 300 ha affected by toll road construction. There is a discourse on the southern circle so that the government will review it first because we have to think about the future, children and grandchildren," said Sri Mulyani, referring to VOI, Thursday, January 5, 2022.

He said that if it was realized, the ring road project would eat up about 300 hectares of rice fields.

"Later, Klaten will not be able to maintain its relation to the national food barn. Of course, our land will decrease, production will automatically decrease," he said.

Born May 4, 1997, Sri Mulyani is the Regent of Klaten for the terms of 2017-2021 and 2021-2026.

Sri Mulyani's career in politics began when her husband, Sunarna, finished fulfilling the mandate as Klaten Regent.

Sekadar informasi, Sunarna adalah Bupati Klaten dua periode, yakni 2005-2010 dan periode 2010.2015. Sri Mulyani pernah menjadi ketua TP PKK sejak tahun 2005-2015, ia juga menjadi ketua umum P2TP2A MWC3 pada tahun 2010-2013.

When Sunarna's term of office expired, Sri Hartini, who was the previous deputy regent, ran for regent in the 2015 Klaten Pilkada. In the contestation, he took Sri Mulyani as a Deputy Regent Candidate. The Sri-Sri pair won over their opponents and was sworn in as a pair of Regents and Deputy Regents of Klaten in February 2016.

On the way, Regent Sri Hartini was caught in a corruption case. He was arrested by the KPK in December 2016 for accepting bribes related to buying and selling positions within the Klaten Regency Government. As a result of this case, Sri Hartini was dismissed as Regent.

After Sri Hartini was dismissed, Sri Mulyani was then appointed by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) as Acting Regent of Klaten.

Then on November 27, 2017, Sri Mulyani was officially appointed as Regent of Klaten for the 2017-2021 period.

After his previous term of office was over, Sri Mulyani again ran for the Klaten Regent Candidate in the 2020 Pilkada. This time he was paired with Yoga Hardaya supported by PDI-P and the Golkar Party.

This pair won in the simultaneous Pilkada by getting the majority of the votes compared to the other two pairs. February 2021, both of them were officially inaugurated by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

Based on data obtained from e-lhkpn, Sri Mulyani's total wealth reported in 2020 is around Rp. 10.4 billion.

Sri Mulyani, the Klaten Regent's Controversy

Regent Sri Mulyani had been in the public spotlight because of the controversial actions she carried out.

Sri Mulyani once handed over 401 units of Yamaha NMax motorbikes with red plates to the village head and village head. This was done on September 26, 2019.

The official motorbike was distributed by the Klaten Regency Government as a facility to facilitate the performance of the village head and village head.

However, the number of motorbikes, as well as the choice of identical colors, made the handover atmosphere of this motorbike a hot topic of conversation in cyberspace.

The next controversy, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit various regencies/cities in Indonesia, Klaten Regent Sri Mulyani attached her own photo to the hand sanitizer label that was distributed to residents. Not only that, other assistance, namely masks and basic food boxes, was also affixed with a photo of herself, triggering protests from netizens.

The hashtag #BupatiKlatenEmalamkan pun jadi trending di Twitter karena permasalahan hand sanitizer yang ia bagikan kepada warga.

The Regent of Klaten Sri Mulyani has also provided assistance in the form of basic necessities to ODP families and PDPs, however, in a controversial way.

He gathered them in one event to increase the risk of transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus that causes COVID-19.

Please note, ODP and PDP are the categories of people who are at risk of contracting the corona virus, but Sri Mulyani actually gathers them in one place.

Not enough to stop there, Sri Mulyani also once reaped protests for giving a bouquet of flowers complete with a photo of herself to puskesmas-puskesmas in Klaten Regency.

He was criticized because the wreath he sent was deemed to have drained the budget for unnecessary things.

This is information about Sri Mulyani's profile, the Klaten Regent, who rejected the Solo east-south ring toll road project. Updates on the latest news developments are only on

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