
JAKARTA - Bharada's legal adviser Richard totaling, Ronny Talapessy, said the results of a review of Ferdy Sambo's official residence described the position of each defendant during the shooting incident of Brigadier J.

They are said to be very close to Ferdy Sambo and Brigadier J alias Yosua.

"This explains the position of the defendants when the shooting occurred. Where, the distance is very close," Ronny told reporters, Wednesday, January 4.

With a very close distance from Brigadier J, the defendant who had testified did not see the incident - Rizal, Strong Ma'ruf, and Putri Candrawathi will be refuted.

"There was a defendant who said he did not look at Ferdy Sambo, he didn't see that it was impossible for us because the distance was too close," said Ronny.

Previously, the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court who tried the alleged murder case, Brigadier J, examined the location of the death of Brigadier J. To be precise, in the middle room near the steps of the official residence of the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

The summons was carried out by the judge together with the public prosecutor (JPU) and the defendants' legal advisers.

Initially, the judge saw the condition of the room occupied by Putri Candrawathi at the time of the shooting incident.

Chief Judge Wahyu Iman Santosa had entered the room. Not long after, he was there.

Then, he immediately headed near the stairs which became the point where Brigadier J lay covered in blood after being shot by Bharada E on the orders of Ferdy Sambo.

The look of Chief Judge Wahyu had pointed to that point. In fact, it seemed to describe the condition of Brigadier J after being shot.

"This is a leg, the head is close to it," said Judge Wahyu.

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