
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo reviewed trading activities in Pasar Bawah, Pekanbaru City to check the economic impact after the revocation of the policy of implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

Jokowi said his visit ensured that the optimism of traders could continue to increase in 2023.

"I entered the Lower Market to see the economic activity in the main market, which is related to turnover, whether compared to 2021, the traders said 2022 would be better. But after the PPKM was revoked, traders hoped that the turnover would be better. That is, in 2023, everyone hopes and optimism is better than 2022," Jokowi said in a statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 4.

One of the traders in Pasar Bawah, Masria, said he was proud that Riau Province was the first province to be visited by President Jokowi in 2023.

"The first time we feel proud that in 2023 we will get a visit here. First, the President (Jokowi) went directly to Riau, his first visit was in 2023. We are very proud," said Masria.

When meeting with Jokowi, Masria said Jokowi was interested in one of his merchandise in the form of a typical Riau songket cloth.

"Alhamdulillah, you (President) liked this songket, papa mama, immediately bought the green, soft (materials), Mr (Jokowi) likes it," said Masria.

In addition, another trader named Meri admitted that he was happy with Jokowi's visit to Pasar Bawah. Meri also hopes that Jokowi's visit can attract the public to visit the market.

"This is the first time I've met, there are dag dig dug as well, I'm happy that this is the first time I've met; but I'm happy to have visited Pasar Bawah, so that Pasar Bawah is also promoted to outside areas. In addition, Pasar Bawah is also famous from everywhere. If you go to Pekanbaru, you don't go to Pasar Bawah, it's not effective," said Meri.

Previously, Jokowi also visited Arifin Ahmad Hospital in Pekanbaru City to review the class III treatment room and a number of pediatric patients who were treated using BPJS Health facilities.

"What is the child sick?," asked the President.

"Looking into the eye," replied the child's mother.

President Jokowi also asked how the service at the Arifin Ahmad Hospital was for children who used the JKN-KIS facility.

"Good sir, no problem," said the mother.

From the treatment room, the President then reviewed the BPJS Health registration process. It appears that around 20 people are queuing up for the registration process.

"How is the registration service here?" asked the President.

"Good sir," answered a resident who was taking care of registration. In addition, the President also asked for registration time from administrative employees.

"What time is it open?" asked the President.

"We are open at 7 am, sir. Closed at 11:00-12:00 WIB because no one has taken care of registration," said one of the administrative employees of Arifin Ahmad Hospital.

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