
Deputy II of the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Abetnego Tarigan said that the lifting of the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) is proof that President Joko Widodo's policy in controlling COVID-19 can balance the health and economic aspects.

In a written statement, Saturday, December 31, Abetnego said that the Government's policy is like a "gas and brake" which is also in line with the wishes and interests of the community; so that the public participates quite high in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and increasing immunity, such as discipline in wearing masks, limiting crowds, and obtaining the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Under the command of President Jokowi, all parties have carried out their respective roles and responsibilities, both from the government and the community," he said, quoted from Antara.

Therefore, he continued, Indonesia is one of the countries that has managed to control the COVID-19 pandemic well, as well as being able to maintain economic stability.

"So, this is the result of our hard work together and a special gift to welcome the new year 2023, as well as the momentum to rise to endemic," he added.

Abetnego also dismissed the notion that the revocation of PPKM was for political and economic purposes only. According to him, the Government has conducted many comprehensive studies to revoke the PPKM policy.

One of the considerations, he said, was that the COVID-19 pandemic was considered to be increasingly under control in the last 10 months, as seen from daily case indicators, weekly positivity rates, hospital occupancy rates, and mortality rates.

"Everything is below the WHO standard," he added.

He also said the Government maintains the alertness of health facilities and officers in the field, so that every community gets a small chance of being infected with COVID-19 and the community also has immunity.

"The status of the pandemic is still not over. People should not ignore it. Keep wearing masks and those who have not been vaccinated immediately vaccinate, especially for the elderly," said Abetnego.

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