
The Banten Police have increased their vigilance and empowered personnel who have been assigned to the 2022 Maung Candle Operation with inspections at a number of places of worship that hold year-end services.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, said that sterilization was also carried out by advancing the Banten Police Satbrimobda Jihandak Unit and Unit K9 Ditsamapta of the Banten Police before the service was carried out.

At tourist sites, it is predicted that traffic flow to the Anyer, Cinangka, Banten Lama areas and other tourist attractions will also increase.

"The traffic control pattern is the same as the previous operation, namely the green pattern when the current is smooth without obstacles, the yellow pattern when the current is congested but can still run, as well as a red pattern when due to density and other obstacles causing traffic flow to stop," Shinto said in a written statement, Friday, December 30.

Shinto explained, the Banten Police also prepared a congestion breaking team and prepared a traffic scheme to open and close.

"The Banten Police Traffic Directorate has prepared a congestion dispersal team (racet) to be able to follow up on the red situation, including an open and close pattern, one way traffic and traffic diversion will be carried out in accordance with the dynamics of the red and red situation faced," he explained.

Meanwhile, in security at Merak Port, services continue to be carried out by following the development of weather information from the BMKG. The Banten Police continue to coordinate with the distribution authority to ensure the crossing process can run safely for motorists.

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