
Secretary of the Provos Bureau of the National Police's Propam Division, Kombes Sugeng Putut Wicaksono, said that the defendant Ferdy Sambo had mentioned that the incident in Magelang was just an illusion. The statement was stated in the investigation report (BAP) read by the public prosecutor (JPU) in the trial of the alleged murder of Brigadier J on Thursday, December 29. Initially, Ferdy Sambo was said to have Sugeng called to his house on July 21, 2022. He will discuss the issue of the Provos members' picket guarding his house. "After a few days, the witness was reminded by the defendant Ferdy Sambo several times that the story in Magelang does not exist, it is just an illusion," said the prosecutor. Arriving at Sugeng, then Ferdy Sambo said that the incident in Magelang was just an illusion. “ The defendant Ferdy Sambo said that actually there was no problem going on in Magelang, all the stories related to the events in Magelang were not there,” said the prosecutor. In fact, Ferdy Sambo had contacted Sugeng by telephone. He again emphasized the absence of events in Magelang. The affirmation was conveyed to Sugeng after Ferdy Sambo was questioned at the Dirtipid Bareskrim on August 5. "The defendant Ferdy Sambo ordered the witness to tell everything as it was, because according to Ferdy Sambl there was nothing at the time of the incident at the Provos. However, Ferdy Sambo reminded again that the incident in Magelang did not exist and it was just an illusion, "said the prosecutor. For information, the incident in Magelang was suspected of an act of rape by Brigadier J against Putri Candrawathi. The rape act is also known as Ferdy Sambo's main reason for asking Bharada Richard totaling to shoot Brigadier J.

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