
JAKARTA - A former OVO employee with the initials RIS who was reported under suspicion of domestic violence (KDRT) fought back. He reported his ex-wife, KEY, on suspicion of embezzlement and dissemination of personal data to the Polda Metro Jaya.

"Yes, there are 2, the report is related to embezzlement and the distribution of personal data," RIS' lawyer, Hendri Kurnia told reporters, Wednesday, December 28.

On the same occasion, RIS spoke about his reporting. He said his ex-wife often uploads videos to social media that describe him as very rude to her children.

Therefore, he also asked KEY to stop uploading the video. In fact, as a person will eventually continue to support both of them.

"I ask my ex-wife to stop uploading videos that exploit children, yes. Moreover, children are made to hate me," said RIS.

"It's a pity for the children psychologically if they keep being signed like that, at that time they went to school while posting post- my ex-wife said I was rude," he continued.

Meanwhile, RIS reporting has been registered with the number LP/B/6590/XII/2022/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA for cases of alleged embezzlement.

Then, LP/B/6597/XII/2022/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA for cases suspected of transmitting documents or electronic information belonging to other people without rights.

For information, RIS was reported by his ex-wife, KEY, to the South Jakarta Metro Police. The report relates to allegations of domestic violence against his two biological children KR (10) and KA (12) at the Signature Park Apartment on Jalan Letjen MT Haryono Kav. 22-23 Tebet, South Jakarta.

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