
JAKARTA - Criminal law expert Albert Aries assessed that Bharada Richard totaling was only used as a tool by Ferdy Sambo to shoot Brigadier J in the alleged premeditated murder case.

This view began when Albert Aries explained Article 51 of the Criminal Code. The article states that whoever commits an act to carry out the office orders given by the competent authorities, will not be punished.

Then, Bharada E's legal adviser questioned the context of the ruler in the article. Albert said it could be interpreted as the party who gave the order.

"Yes (the giver of the order, ed), because the method cannot be limited," Albert said at the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, December 28.

Then, he said that the party who received the order to commit the crime was just a tool. Including, Bharada E.

Thus, the recipient of the order cannot be held accountable for criminal charges.

"People who were told to do it earlier could not be held accountable just because it was a tool," he said.

"Because what he was told was not responsible and there was no mistake," continued Albert.

Meanwhile, in the case of the death of Brigadier J, Bharada E acted as the executor. He shot with a GUARD-17 firearm.

The shooting was called on the orders of the former Head of the Propam Division, Ferdy Sambo, which took place at the official residence of the Police Complex, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta, on July 8.

In addition, in this case there are also four other defendants. They are Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, Bripka Ricky Rizal, and Strong Ma'ruf.

They were all charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of death penalty, life imprisonment or a maximum of 20 years.

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