
SUMBAR - The West Pasaman Environment Agency (DLH) has sealed the disposal of liquid waste from the PT Berkat Sawit Sejahtera (BSS) palm oil factory. It is suspected that the activity at the factory polluted the Batang Alin River, Gunung Tuleh District.

The head of DLH Pasaman Barat, Arminingdel, explained that the sealing was carried out based on the results of laboratory tests on factory waste taken previously. From the results of the waste sample test, it was found that the waste was above the quality standard and was suspected of polluting the environment.

"Based on the results of the sample test, the government has been given coercion sanctions by temporarily stopping the disposal of waste until the waste management is maximized and is under quality standards," he said at Simpang Empat, West Pasaman, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Tuesday, December 27, confiscated by Antara.

The temporary sealing is in accordance with the Decree of the West Pasaman Regent Number: 188.45/762/BUP-PASBAR/2022 dated December 22, 2022 regarding the application of government administrative sanctions to PT BSS. The seal installation was carried out on Friday, December 23. "This is an administrative warning to stop the disposal of liquid waste, but factory activities are not disturbed," he said.

He said that the discovery of waste above the quality standard began with complaints from the people of Simpang Tigo Alin regarding the pollutation of the liquid waste environment from the factory on November 2, 2022. Responding to the complaint report, on November 3, 2022, the Environmental Service went down to the field to see the condition of the liquid waste flowing into the Batang Alin River. It also took waste samples to be tested in the laboratory witnessed by the community. The results of the laboratory test were obtained that the waste was above the quality threshold. "Based on that basis, we will carry out the sealing of the waste disposal until the company improves its waste management," he said. The sealing was witnessed by the public and the company PT BSS by installing a seal plank.

Meanwhile, PT BSS Rudi when confirmed said that he would immediately make improvements according to his DLHPihak direction, he had also coordinated with the Environmental Agency asking for directions for improvement.

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