
JAKARTA - Commission I of the Aceh House of Representatives (DPRA) asked the central government to respond quickly to the arrival of more and more refugees from the Rohingya.

"Jakarta (the central government) itself must respond regarding the movement of Rohing immigrants to Aceh," said Chairman of Commission I of the DPRA Iskandar Usman Al Farlaky, in Banda Aceh, Tuesday, December 27.

In the past two days alone, Aceh has the arrival of refugees from Myanmar from the Rohingya tribe, first on Sunday (25/12) as many as 57 people on the coast of Aceh Besar.

Then, yesterday (26/12), Aceh was again visited by 185 Rohingya immigrants in the Laweung waters, Pidie Regency.

Iskandar conveyed that humanity regarding the arrival of his Rohing immigrants who had been traveling to Aceh both in Lhokseumawe, Aceh Besar and Pidie, the local government is expected to provide protection.

"Provision of medicines, food, and clothing, because humanely anyone is obliged to provide a sense of humanity and justice for them," he said.

However, said Iskandar, related parties in the issue of handling international refugees, and the Aceh provincial government must coordinate with the central government as quickly as possible. Moreover, there is an issue that they are asylum seekers.

This means that the government through foreign departments and other law enforcers must respond quickly, or conduct investigations and investigations on what is behind the Rohing immigrants to Aceh.

"Are they purely political asylum seekers or are they only using Aceh as a transit area which will then enter Malaysia," he said.

Iskandar said, based on his notes and criticism through the mass media, there were a number of cases of stranding his Rohing ethnicity, and many of them fled the shelter.

For example, continued Iskandar, recently in Lhokseumawe many of them fled. So he also questioned who facilitated their escape, accommodaters and where they were trying to escape, because it needed to be thoroughly investigated.

"Is it true that indications, for example, are involved in human trafficking syndicates, they have agents in Aceh or in Indonesia, then they will be taken through North Sumatra and re-entered Malaysia looking for work. This must also be carried out further investigation," said Iskandar.

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