
JAKARTA - The Lebak Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Banten, reminded the public to be aware of bad weather for the next two weeks. "We ask residents living in mountainous areas, hills and river flows to be alert," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency BPBD Agus Reza Faizal in Lebak, Tuesday, December 27. Lebak Regency area since the last three days has been hit by rain with light, moderate and heavy intensity accompanied by strong winds. Rainfall occurred in the morning, afternoon, evening to early morning and has the potential to cause flooding, landslides, ground movement and tornadoes.The community is asked to be aware of natural disasters in order to reduce the risk of disasters, so as not to cause casualties. Currently, a number of river flows are overflowing, such as the Ciujung, Ciberang and Cisimeut rivers. "We hope that residents will always be wary of the bad weather," he said. According to him, bad weather that hit the Lebak Regency area has been reported by BMKG in the next two weeks marked by light rain, moderate, heavy and strong winds. BPBD Lebak has been coordinating with BMKG to find out weather conditions. Such bad weather conditions certainly need to be watched out for, especially residents in mountainous settlements, hills and river flows, because it has the potential to cause flooding and landslides. "We hope that residents would better evacuate to safer locations if bad weather lasts for up to three hours," he said.

Meanwhile, a number of people in Lebak Regency who are on the banks of the Ciberang River informed of bad weather accompanied by heavy rain and strong winds. Usually, if the intensity of high rainfall is ensured that the river water overflows and can cause flooding and landslides. "We are here with residents to always be aware if the weather is bad, because the position is only a few meters from the Ciberang River," said Romliv (50), a resident of Rangkasbitung, Lebak Regency.

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