
The Kendari City Police (Polresta) ensures the safety of empty houses left to travel or return to their hometowns during the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year holidays.

Kendari City Police Chief (Kapolresta) Kombes Pol Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman said his party was preparing personnel who would patrol complexes or settlements to prevent the theft of empty houses.

"To anticipate the houses left by the community, we have prepared special forces to carry out routine patrols at vulnerable hours who are left traveling or returning to our village, we have prepared special forces," he said in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), Monday, December 26, confiscated by Antara.

Eka said, in securing Christmas 2024 and New Year's 2023 activities, security was prioritized on houses of worship and crowded centers. However, he said, his party was still preparing special forces who would patrol predetermined places.

The former Director of Drug Investigation at the Southeast Sulawesi Police explained that the personnel prepared would periodically carry out patrols and monitoring at times deemed prone to theft or other criminal acts.

He added that in addition to monitoring empty houses from theft crimes, this periodic patrol is also intended to monitor the atmosphere and conditions of the community's environment against the threat of social security disturbances.

The Kendari Police appealed to all people who want to leave their homes in an empty state to report it to the RT-RW or Bhabinkamtibmas in their respective settlements or sub-districts.

The public is also asked to entrust their homes to neighbors who do not take holidays so that they can be monitored. The reason is that apart from protecting the house from criminal acts, it also ensures that the houses left behind remain safe from unwanted things.

In addition, it also ensures that the houses left behind remain safe from the dangers of fire, one of which does not leave electronic devices that are still connected to the electricity.

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