
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono guarantee security during the 2022 Christmas and 2023 celebrations. Especially, from disturbances in acts of terror and so on.

Meanwhile, the TNI-Polri synergized in securing Christmas and New Year (Natari) by holding Candle Operations.

"Our security guarantees that people can carry out worship well, safely and smoothly. And people who will carry out the new year, we guarantee security so that they can carry out the new year smoothly," said Admiral Yudo Margono to reporters at the West Indonesian Protestant Church (GPIB) Imannuel, Saturday, December 24.

The guarantees for the celebration of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 will run safely because all the soldiers deployed have been on standby before. They detect the potential for the slightest disturbance.

"All soldiers, who have been this night since yesterday morning and will then carry out security, especially in churches and public places, which will be continued in the implementation of the new year," he said.

In addition, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the security for Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 also involved community organizations. This involvement shows a very large sense of religious tolerance.

"Not only the TNI-Polri as well as mass organizations involved in security, there are Banser friends, other mass organizations that join. This shows in addition to this, our agreement to maintain security and comfort in the implementation of worship, on the other hand, fosters the value of religious tolerance which we must always maintain," explained Sigit.

At the end of his statement, Sigit wished a Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate. The TNI-Polri will continue to oversee and create a sense of security.

"Once again, I wish you a Merry Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 for all Christians and we, the TNI-Polri, are ready to oversee the security so that the Nataru series can run safely and smoothly according to the direction of the President," said Sigit.

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