
PONTIANAK - Head of Mangrove Telok Ecotourism Management Established in Sungai Kubahah Village, Kubu Raya Regency, Rudi Hartono said, several facilities at the Mangrove Ekotourism were damaged due to being hit by large waves of sea water. "It happened at dawn. As a result, a number of facilities here were damaged by large waves and strong winds," said Rudi Hartono in Kubu Raya, Antara, Friday, December 23. The losses suffered by the Mangrove Ekotourism could reach hundreds of millions because quite a lot of facilities were destroyed due to the large waves and strong winds. "Quite a lot of damage, such as the mangrove bridge or road (track) destroyed by approximately 30 meters, many gazebo walls were broken, many road floors were on a date, and 10 meters the road was also tilted, even one tourist camp had tilted because it was hit by big waves," he said. His party will try their best to handle the damaged facilities. "We can only do our best by working together, and improving what we can improve," he said. In addition, Rudi hopes that the government will pay attention to the destroyed Mangrove Ekotourism facility. "It seems that this is difficult to repair, such as an oblique hut and a damaged track that requires quite a lot of money. We hope that the government can pay attention to it in the form of assistance so that we can handle this damage," he said.

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