
TANGERANG - The mystery of the murder of Elis Sugiarti (49), a woman with a butterfly tattoo, has slowly begun to be revealed. Three men suspected of being Elis' killer have been arrested by the Tangerang Police. One of the perpetrators turned out to be a foreign national (WNA) from Pakistan.

"We have arrested three perpetrators. One perpetrator is a foreigner, two are Indonesian citizens," said Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho to reporters, Thursday, December 22.

Zain explained that the perpetrators were arrested in different areas, namely Jakarta and Solo. Their current investigation is still being carried out further.

"Currently we are continuing to carry out intensive examinations and are completing the evidence. And now for the perpetrators, we have carried out security," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a woman was found dead in a tied state in the Cisadane River, Tangerang City. Judging from the wound, the woman is strongly suspected of being a murder victim.

Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said the victim was a resident of South Tangerang (Tangsel) with the initials Elis Sugiarti (49). Elis lives in Perum Taman Rempoa Indah, Ciputat, South Tangerang.

"Ensuring that the woman with the characteristics on the back of the neck contains a butterfly image and a lotus tattoo on the left chest is Elis Sugiarti, 49 years old," Zain said in his statement, Sunday, December 18.

Zain explained that the body was identified after receiving information from the victim's husband who recognized Elis' characteristics.

Then found the gold necklace and the results of fingerprint checking by the Tangerang City Metro Police Inafis Sat Reskrim Team.

The victim was buried by the family on Thursday, December 15, after an autopsy was carried out at the Tangerang District Hospital.

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