
JAKARTA - PPP Secretary General Arwani Thomafi said he would bring a number of potential names to be included as presidential candidates (candidates) at the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) meeting. Including Sandiaga Uno's name.

"All figures who appear will be a reference for us to discuss, both internally PPP and KIB. We will bring the figures proposed by the cadres," Arwani told reporters, Thursday, December 22.

Sandi often attends internal PPP events. On a number of occasions, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the era of President Jokowi stated that he was ready to be promoted as a presidential candidate in 2024.

So, he continued, Sandi's name will definitely be observed by PPP in the internal discussion of the party and then taken to the KIB forum. "We discussed together with the Golkar Party, PAN, and other parties, which God willing, will immediately join KIB," he added.

According to him, Sandi has an advantage with his provision as Menparekkraf. He also, said Arwani, has similarities with PPP who are close to scholars.

"Yes (take Sandiaga to the KIB forum). He is also a minister, a figure who is close to ulama, pesantren, where PPP often comes into contact with it," said Arwani.

Previously, Sandiaga Uno stated that he was ready to run as a presidential candidate in 2024 if there was a political party that supported him. This was conveyed by politician Parrai Gerindra while attending the PPP event in Madura, East Java, Sunday, December 18. Sandi realized that the determination of the presidential and vice presidential candidates was in the hands of a political party. He also returned the decision regarding his candidacy to the political party itself. "Whatever the decision, we must be ready," Sandi said. Regarding his readiness to run for the 2024 presidential election, Sandiaga admitted that he always coordinated with the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto.

"As a Gerindra cadre, I always coordinate with my leadership Mr. Prabowo and of course we welcome him with joy," he said.

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