
RIAU A member of the Riau Police, Aiptu RS, was reported to have died after being stabbed by a steamer. Reportedly, it is suspected that Aiptu RS was stabbed by his colleague Bripka WD.

A VOI source said the alleged stabbing took place at the Riau Police SPN Guard on Jalan Raya Pekanbaru-Bangkinang Km.29 Kualu Nenas Village, Kampar Regency, Riau, Tuesday, December 20, at 19.30 WIB.

The incident began when the victim came to guard to summon the alleged perpetrator, to carry out an Apple division of tasks. At that time, the victim reprimanded Bripka WD, for not participating in the Apples.

As this information was obtained, VOI reporters tried to contact the Head of Public Relations of the Riau Police, Kombes Sunarto, to find out the truth of the incident. However, when contacted via WhatsApp (WA) short message, Kombes Sunarto had not replied.

After a while later, VOI journalists contacted again by telephone. Kombes Sunarto only said that he was in a meeting. And in a short message, they were answered with the same words.

Sorry for the short meeting, Kombes Sunarto.

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