
JAKARTA - Forensic Psychologist, Reni Kusumowardhani, said that the intelligence of the defendant was Strong, Ma'ruf, below average. However, the defendant in the alleged murder case of Brigadier J was classified as obeying his superiors.

"Ma'ruf's intelligence is classified as below the average compared to people his age," said Reni during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, December 21.

He continued, Ferdy Sambo's household assistant (ART) was slow to understand the information provided. Especially related to complicated information.

"Not necessarily immediately understand, but rely on the pattern he understands," he said.

However, behind it all, Strong Ma'ruf is a obedient figure. In fact, it is not easy to be influenced or interfered with.

"So for Mr. Strong Ma'ruf this cannot be disputed, his compliance is high, but it is not easy to be gauged," said Reni.

Strong Opinion Ma'ruf was proven because he kept lying about the series of events where Brigadier J died. He only told the truth when he was ordered by his superior, Ferdy Sambo.

Strong Ma'ruf is one of the defendants in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J. He was charged with assisting Ferdy Sambo in the case.

In that case, Strong Ma'ruf was charged with violating Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to (1) of the Criminal Code.

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