
PONTIANAK - Lantamal XII Pontianak, West Kalimantan, thwarted efforts to smuggle protected wildlife carried using the MV Royal Ship with the Vietnamese flag in Pontianak waters. "From the ambush on the Kapuas River, Pontianak has been caught by a Vietnamese ship carrying protected wildlife. We immediately secured the ship for further processing," said the Commander of the Indonesian Navy Main Base (Danlantamal) XII Pontianak, First Admiral TNI Suharto, in Pontianak, Antara, Tuesday, December 20. Suharto said the disclosure of the smuggling attempt was based on information collected by officers in the field which was then followed up. According to him, the ambush of the Vietnamese ship was carried out in the early hours of Tuesday. A number of protected wildlife and 11 crew members (ABK) of foreign nationals (WNA) were immediately arrested by officers. The protected wild animals on board the Vietnamese ship include 16 Basin or 16 Kalimantan-style monkeys, 19 white old brother birds, and 1 king's old brother, while the stock without quarantine documents is 5 and 15 chickens. "During the ambush, the crew did not admit that there were protected wildlife, but during the search they had been found in one room of the ship, there were protected wildlife, even in the ship the cages had been prepared," Suharto explained. Suharto said that from the results of the disclosure of the smuggling, his party would coordinate with related parties, such as the West Kalimantan BKSDA, Immigration, and the Quarantine Center. "We will coordinate for further legal proceedings," he said.

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