
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya Pamrihadi Wiraryo said rice stocks ahead of Christmas 2022 and New Year's Day 2023 in Jakarta are relatively safe.

Considering, according to Pamrihadi, the demand for rice commodities has not increased significantly before or during Nataru.

"If the rice commodity is relatively non-increasing, it means just before Christmas and the new year," said Pamrihadi in a written statement, Sunday, December 18.

This regional-owned enterprise (BUMD) in the food sector noted that the need for rice for residents in Jakarta every month is 85,000 tons. Meanwhile, in the middle of this month, there are still tens of thousands of rice stocks.

In detail, the stock of rice at the Cipinang Rice Main Market (PIBC) is 34,000 tons and 6,000 tons at the Food Station. Meanwhile, the stock of safety stock is at 30,000 tons.

Apart from the Cipinang Warehouse, Food Station rice stocks are also available in Pamukan. The distribution of other Food Station rice stocks in 4,500 modern and traditional store chains throughout Jabodetabek is in the range of 700 to 1,000 tons. Then in six Food Station production partner factories as much as 5,500 tons.

"So, rice stocks on the Food Station are relatively safe," he said.

Along with that, the Food Station also conducts contact farming with farmer groups (Gapoktan) in areas that have a surplus to secure or obtain certainty of raw materials. There are 145 Gapoktan with a total of 16,360 farmers.

The Food Station's own cultivation with management partners will also be harvested in the coming week. So currently the rice reserve stock is relatively safe," he explained.

Furthermore, Pamrihadi said, Food Station together with Perum Bulog maintain rice price stability through the Supply Availability and Price Stabilization (KPSH) program.

One of the efforts made to increase rice supply to the market is in collaboration with the Rice Main Market Traders Cooperative (KOPPIC), the Padi Milling Association (PERPADI) and the National Food Agency (BPN).

He added that in addition to rice, food reserves such as sugar, wheat flour, cooking oil, corn and coffee will also be maintained and fulfilled. His party is also committed to maintaining balance and price affordability, food supply, distribution, price standardization and quality.

"In the near future we will consolidate all food BUMDs and the DKI Jakarta KPKP Service against Nataru," he added.

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