
PONTIANAK - Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the House of Representatives (DPR) Syamsurizal asked for voter data in the regions to continue to be updated. The reason is, there are always changes in voter data ahead of the 2024 general election (Pemilu).

Examples of these changes include moving electoral districts (dapil), voters who have died or some who have changed their age from 16 years to 17 and TNI data, the National Police has the right to vote.

He also asked the local government to help the KPU to continue to re-collect public data.

"Because voter data always changes, it is necessary to update, including in West Kalimantan Province," said Syamsurizal, as reported by Antara, Saturday, December 17.

"There are 14 months remaining from 20 months prepared for all of us in order to welcome democracy in welcoming the opportunity for political participation of the community to determine the leader of the country and representatives of the people in parliament."

"We, Commission II of the DPR RI, urge the KPU to be able to prepare it as well as possible," he continued.

This statement was conveyed during a meeting with the local government during a working visit in Pontianak.

During the meeting, Syamsurizal not only discussed the preparations for the 2024 General Election, but also looked for solutions to solve the problems of the state and nationality that were faced, especially in West Kalimantan.

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